Money vs. Passion: Should you run after Money or What you love doing?
Jan 20th, 2021 | by Kavya Jain
One of the biggest dilemmas faced by millennials is of following a passion versus concentrating on a steady well-paying career. Should you run after money or after your passion in life?

Time immemorial, you have been told to go after your dreams and do what you love, the money will automatically follow. Industry leaders and famous personalities keep advising people to pursue their passion in order to lead a happy and satisfactory life. Anyone stuck in the 9 to 5 cycle must have heard some version of this from their friend or family. However, it is easier said than done. A popular phrase, the grass is greener on the other side, is apt for this dilemma. The saying is proven true when you leave a well-paying job to follow your passion and vice versa.
So, where can you draw the line between pursuing a career you're passionate about and following a financially fitter route?
Pros & Cons of Choosing a Career that you are passionate about

In today's world, money is a powerful tool. Choosing to chase money often comes at a price of putting your passion and interests on a backseat. While money does hold significance, if it does not bring you comfort and pleasure, is it worth earning good money? If the answer is no, then are you dedicated and determined enough to go after your passion? There are several upsides to doing what you love, which might help you make the decision.
Motivation: Obviously, you are motivated to pursue your passion every day because the motive is driven by your own desire rather than material gains. Enjoying your work is all the motivation that you need to get out of bed every morning.
Growth in Career: Of course, when you do what you love and work hard to excel, you slowly build a stairway to an attractive career and successful life. You do not wait for the clock to strike 5. Instead, your days go by in a blur of energy and enthusiasm.
Health & Well-Being: Your physical and mental health is dependent on how much you enjoy your job, and not get stressed about it. Your work becomes your escape from everyday problems in life and thereby, makes you happier and healthier.
Confidence & Satisfaction: Continuously working in your field of interest is bound to boost your self-confidence due to constant learnings and progress. Being aware of your skills and strengths is a morale booster. In the end, you will feel satisfied with what you have achieved in life.

As with everything in life, following your passion has a flip side as well. Though there is the obvious possibility of the career being fulfilling and life-changing, there are chances of it not being as per market trends and not earning you enough. Having had a look at the advantages of choosing what you love, let us list down the disadvantages of making this choice.
Passion can change: Although this might not be the case for every person, there is a possibility that the things you are passionate about change over time, as you grow and mature. This risk should be considered when you decide to pursue your passion as your career.
Passion can become a Job: The constant stress, deadlines, workload, might lessen your love for what you do and can turn into something that merely brings a paycheck at the end of the month. Once this happens, your passion will lose the sheen that it once had.
Money: Another highly probable risk is that your passion is not in line with market trends or demands. The struggle can be real and long while trying to penetrate the industry. You might not earn well, which can make you dissuaded and demotivated.
Pros & Cons of Choosing a Career that pays highly

Following a passion is not everyone's cup of tea. For some people, earning good money and doing what they love does not go hand in hand. Either they grow out of their earlier interests or do not have a passion altogether. Consequently, they prefer to go for a high-paying steady job. Of course, it is a common belief that the job you are doing and earning from is, most likely, not your passion in life. But is that really true?
Who isn't familiar with the phrase "money cannot buy happiness"? As right as that statement is, money can solve several problems if not all. Given below is a list of advantages of choosing a career that pays well.
Money: Obviously, the first perk is money, as mentioned earlier. Earning a steady income has a definite positive impact on a person's mental health and physical well-being. While money cannot buy everything, studies have shown that earning enough enables a person to live a happy and comfortable life.
Respect: Blame it on society or culture, but people tend to respect those who earn well. A higher income is usually associated with success and progress.
Safety & Security: With more money comes more responsibility and safety, no doubt. There are numerous things that one does not have to worry about if they earn well. Plus, a high paying career is generally associated with big industries, which always have employment opportunities and therefore, job security and safety.

Although money and safety do sound good, there is a downside to pursuing a career that you do not necessarily love. If you feel that you do not enjoy your job, you are nowhere close to your dream, office working hours are long and tedious, the high salary might not be sufficient to keep you motivated and content. When you're stuck performing tasks you are not interested in, you can feel dejected and lose focus.
Well-paying jobs also come with an added component of stress and pressure, impacting your life. Here is a list of disadvantages of choosing a career that isn’t your passion.
Long Hours: Generally, the jobs offering a higher salary have longer working hours. The long days can seem tiresome after a point of time, disturbing your work-life balance. With the increasing use of technology- tablets, mobile phones, e-mails- it has become almost impossible for high salaried executives to stop working.
Stress & Pressure: In the world of money, there is a lot of competition with the dynamic market trends. You are always chasing the next big thing and have to keep fighting for your place in the organisation. Often, the pressure can be overwhelming.
Inability to Focus: Most jobs are focused on making the best of the skills you already possess. The repetitive work might become monotonous and dull after a point of time. In contrast, if you do what you love, you are continuously honing your skills and getting better at your job.
Do What You Love & Love What You Do

The pros and cons of both the options have clearly shown that the decision is not an easy one. It is a yin and yang situation. But do not lose heart. You should study the options well, look at the right role-models and make an informed choice.
With the varied kinds of careers and job opportunities available in today's world, you are likely to create a well-paying career out of your passion. After all, isn't your fulfilment and self-satisfaction the most significant aspects to consider? Look for options where you get to do both. Your dream job can happen to be your career that helps you make enough money, or you can follow your passion while simultaneously pursuing a separate work path.
The choice of your career is the most vital decision that you need to make in your life. Well, not to worry! Go through the above list of advantages and disadvantages that come with either of the two possibilities. Several pieces have to be placed together to solve the jigsaw puzzle of your life, do it right!