Neither lose hope, nor be sad.
Dec 15th, 2020 | by Injeela Nuzhat

“Most great people have attained their greatest success, just one step beyond their greatest failure.”
This insightful statement by Napoleon Hill has a cavernous meaning. We often get demoralized when we fail or when things don't go as per our target. Often in our weakest moment, we crumble. We think that everyone has abandoned us. We lament over what was and what could’ve been. We feel trounced by failure, downtrodden and unguarded. And, “what do I do when I fail?” is a big question staring at everyone who is meeting head-on with such circumstances.
It's human to feel dejected and slammed by non-fulfilments of life but we need to understand that this life is never perfect. So it's important to pick yourself up and carry on. If only we could look beyond the darkest clouds; we could see the sun peeking! Instead of mourning about what’s gone, make the most of what you have now with dedication and firm faith.
Nobody is perfect, we’re all flawed. But we should never stop trying to be better each day. There is beauty in struggle because the prize awaiting beyond it is undefiable. When you’re losing hope and on the brink of giving up, recall that it's a test that life is giving you, take a moment to praise your flairs and assets and they will raise you. Endure to the test and nothing can bring you down. When something hurts you or causes a lot of anguish, be wary not to get lost in the pain. Rise above it; understand the message life is sending, make amends and feel your heart lighten.
Do you at times just wish that you could just press the delete key and start over with your life? Well you can, that's what's repentance and edification is all about. When something bad happens to you, ask yourself, “what am I supposed to learn from it?” Find the lesson, understand it and look for your strengths. Look beyond the struggle and pain and be patient for life is a mix of happy and sad! Consequently, you will feel a sense of calm. You must have heard it countless times that you should let go of past failures. Yes, you must trust that as when you reach your final point only good awaits you. It's not healthy to keep dwelling on your past mistakes, don't keep reminding yourself how often you’ve messed up. Repent and always look ahead.

Sometimes you may have planned everything to the last detail but it falls apart. Don’t fret but work harder and strive for it. Losing hope is never a solution to anything but combating the problem and giving it your best shot next time is. Always remember that every successful person on this earth has witnessed folds of failure and it doesn't mean that you are incapable of anything. Remember that no one can stop a person who is hungry for success. Sometimes we often moan and groan over petty matters, we should always look upon those who face huge challenges and life changing situations, some don't have enough to fill their bellies, some might have lost loved ones, some are left with impaired organs and some are struggling between life and death. Get a grip on your life and be thankful for what you have.
Don't allow your trials to tear you down and make you bitter. With patience and faith, you’re supposed to pull through and be a better person! When you are depressed with self-doubt, insecurity and hopelessness in your heart, try to find yourself again, count on your efficacy and fill your heart with lots of optimism and hope.